Reduced-parameter biometric identification capabilities to protect critical infrastructures and special objects

Kulcsszavak: critical infrastructure, biometric identification, protection of water bases, entry, identification solutions, pandemic, identification, authentication, AI


The identification parameters of biometrics is decreased severly due to protection devices. In this article, keeping the focus on biometrics, I will conduct a theoretical examination of possible biometric identification solutions for critical infrastructures and certain special objects. In the theoretical study, I take into account the fact that due to the COVID epidemic, the number of measuring points used in biometric identification, i.e. the number of identification parameters, is significantly reduced in some identification solutions. We wear masks that inhibit the effectiveness of facial recognition tools and algorithms, or we use facial protection that protects our eyes, which can put us at a disadvantage with various optical solutions, such as a retinal or iris identification option. Rubber gloves are used in many areas, which is important from a health point of view, but it can be a difficult and possibly exclusionary factor when using a hand geometric or palm vascular identification solution. These few examples show that the possibilities of biometric identification are limited in these circumstances.

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