Darfur peacekeepers - The African Union Peacekeeping Mission in Darfur (AMIS) from the perspective of a Hungarian military advisor

Kulcsszavak: Book Review


János Besenyő, an established acquaintance of the African region, visited the Hungarian Armed Forces with the rank of colonel several times during his missions, and his academic research activities are also closely related to this region. Because of the fortunate meeting of personal experience and research curiosity, a unique personality and career emerged, which makes János Besenyő unique in the academic world as well.

It is not usual to start a book review with the words of the author, but this is how János Besenyő formulated this special situation and the purpose of writing the book. „It is very unusual for a book to portray a peace support operation in a scholarly manner and, at the same time, based on personal experience, on the one hand, and to give the history of an exceptionally difficult operation of a unique era, i.e., the history of the African Union Mission in Sudan (AMIS), on the other hand.
