Peacekeeping in Africa while Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism

Kulcsszavak: Countering violent extremism (CVE), preventing violent extremism (PVE), antiterrorism, counterterrorism, insurgency, asymmetric warfare, MNJFT, AMISOM, MINURSO, DDR


It is well documented that peacekeeping operations had changed dramatically since its inception. This is particular evident in Africa where peacekeepers need not only to manage conflicts, but also become entangled in a recent debate regarding the prevention and combatting of violent extremism. Based on the unique manifestation of the threat through organizations such as al-Shabaab and Boko Haram aimed at capturing territory in Somalia and Nigeria, these organizations became a hybrid between insurgency and terrorist organizations. In addition to the aim of these organizations’ increasing attacks directed at the local population placing them in the realm of terrorism. Considering the magnitude and resources required to actively deal with these threats the Nigerian government and the African Union try to eliminate these terror organisations. The UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) was also established to mediate between Morocco and the POLISARIO, unable to meet its initial mandate.
